Island Treasures
This podcast provides a platform for caregivers to share their stories, offering encouragement and insights to those who may be on a similar journey. Guests bring wisdom and empowerment to remind caregivers they're not alone. Additionally, guests share valuable information, tips and resources to support caregivers in their vital role.
Island Treasures
Island Treasures Mini Podcast: Tapping Into Communication
In this mini episode we focus on the first half of the full episode called "Tapping Into Communication and Positive Activity". We hear how Lori Rogers has been a true champion for her son Craig. Craig is now an adult who has autism and is non-verbal.
For example, when equipment in the Special Needs School program was lacking, Lori and her husband researched what was needed in Craig's school. Then they fund-raised to provide the equipment and cool tools that would benefit Craig and other students with special needs.
Later on Lori read the book called "Underestimated: An Autism Miracle" which introduced her to Spelling to Communicate. Again, through research and finding a practitioner, they learned how to use this communication tool which has opened up a whole new world of communication for Craig and his family.