Island Treasures
This podcast provides a platform for caregivers to share their stories, offering encouragement and insights to those who may be on a similar journey. Guests bring wisdom and empowerment to remind caregivers they're not alone. Additionally, guests share valuable information, tips and resources to support caregivers in their vital role.
Island Treasures
Island Treasures Mini Podcast: Her World Turned Upside Down
This Island Treasures Mini podcast features highlights from the full episode called "Her World Turned Upside Down", where Jenna Rumberger shares her caregiving story from the perspective of the one receiving care.
Jenna is a licensed social worker who supports adults, older adults and their families with a specialization in dementia.
When a medical emergency turned her world upside down at the age of 32, she sought to pivot from working for the State into private practice. Jenna had no warning signs that she was about to experience a cardiac arrest - but now she is an even stronger advocate for Advance Care Planning and provides a free resource on her website to help us prepare for a medical emergency.