Island Treasures
This podcast provides a platform for caregivers to share their stories, offering encouragement and insights to those who may be on a similar journey. Guests bring wisdom and empowerment to remind caregivers they're not alone. Additionally, guests share valuable information, tips and resources to support caregivers in their vital role.
Island Treasures
Lived Experience Nets Empowering Resources for Caregivers
Debbie Compton returns to the podcast in this episode. Debbie is a three-time caregiver for loved ones who were living with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and vascular dementia. She’s a Certified Caregiving Consultant, Certified Caregiver Advocate, keynote speaker, and author of several books geared toward caregivers and seniors, including her newly released book “The Caregiver’s Advocate: A Complete Guide to Support and Resources”. A book where Debbie is the lead-author with 21 other contributing authors, all of whom are (or were) caregivers themselves.
Debbie has been a Community Educator for the Alzheimer’s Association since 2017 and is the founder of The Purple Vine, an organization created to spread awareness about all forms of dementia.
Her mission is to empower caregivers with the tools needed to reduce stress, find more joy, and live their best life.
Debbie is a wife, mother of 4 children and 8 amazing grandchildren. She lives in Oklahoma City.
Debbie was a guest on the Island Treasures podcast in 2022 in the highly popular episode "Voila! Caregiver". An episode filled with creative solutions to situations and challenges she experienced during her caregiving experiences.