Island Treasures

A Caregiver's Innovative Creation

Alison van Schie Season 6 Episode 4

Angela Fairhurst was the primary caregiver for her mom who after a misdiagnosis and several different medications was eventually diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia.  Angela's passion to find engaging activities for her mom led her to create Geri-Gadgets® and as the founder and CEO of Geri-Gadgets®, she is dedicated to enhancing the lives of those affected by dementia.

Angela has over 25 years of experience as a non-fiction television producer and journalist through Fairhurst Productions, Inc., and former Executive Director of the Chambers Group, a consumer product-marketing firm.  From her impressive career, she brings a unique blend of creativity and practical expertise to her work.

Her journey in dementia care began with the personal connection with her mom, leading her to immerse herself in the study of dementia and forge connections within the care community. Angela's innovative approach combines her product development skills with a deep understanding of caregivers' needs, resulting in stimulating Geri-Gadgets® that make a real difference in dementia care.

In this episode Angela also speaks about her processing of grief and the useful resource she found in the Grief Recovery Handbook.

If you wish to take a look at Geri-gadgets, you can check out Angela's website.  Angela will also be highlighting the products in the upcoming mini podcast episode that will be available in video format.

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